Friday, December 18, 2009

Favorite Readings

I liked our readings from our textbook Library 2.0 and Beyond edited by Nancy Courtney the best. It was easy to read and I felt like I learned a lot. I definitely enjoyed the required readings from this course more than the required readings of our Cataloging course. The chapters I liked the most were the most informative and relevant. One reading I liked was the first chapter, "Web 2.0 and Library 2.0:What Librarians Need to Know" . I had definitely heard the term Web 2.0 before but this gave a great explanation to what Web 2.0 means. My other favorite reading was chapter 3 of this book, "The Wonderful World of Wikis: Applications for Libraries." This explained the reasons and ease of using wikis in libraries. I think what I appreciated most was the follow up with our class discussion in Tapped In based on our readings and activities about wikis. I felt this was the best session of Tapped In that I attended. After reading and discussing I wanted to explore more about wikis.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

AT Module 5

This was a nice conclusion to our AT discovery exercises. It was good to read some suggested lesson plans. A lot of good resources are available and promoted during disability awareness month. It was interesting to study AT in this course. I'm on a team at our church that was brainstorming needs of our church over the next few years. We met last night and one area that came up was making sure we meeting the needs of those with disabilities. They talked about updating our technology available for those who need help hearing the sermon. I thought that was awesome that our church was looking to use funds to use assistive technology.
I spent a little bit of time looking through the books on Library Thing about characters with disabilities. Some I am familiar with but some titles were new to me. I hope to have some down time to get to read a little. I'll check out a few of these books. I really think Library Thing is a great resource. I found the information in these AT modules beneficial.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

AT Module 4 Part 2

Here are some good websites I bookmarked about Assitive Technology:
Assistive Technology to Meet K-12 Student Needs
Includes table with lists of assistive technology separated by disability
Enable Mart- Technology for Everyone
Store with variety of assistive technology based on disability need
Tech Matrix
Search for assistive technology tools by subject or learning support
RJ Cooper & Associates Inc.
Hardware and software needs for people with special needs
Technology for Education
Includes assistive technology to use in classrooms